Monday Morning News July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!


Judge Mary Ellen Diekhoff will be speaking at our meeting on Friday. We heard a lot in the past primary about problem solving courts, and how they impact the justice system. Judge Diekhoff will speak of these special courts, their current and future use and the impact of legislation on these activities.
Breakfast meeting, this Friday, July 8, 7:30 am at the Village Deli on Kirkwood.  Invite a friend!



August DWC Breakfast Meeting
We hope as many of you as possible will be able to make the August breakfast meeting on Friday, August 5th. We have an amendment to the bylaws to review and vote on that clarifies the election process for the steering committee. The amendment will provide more flexibility for electing steering committee officers. More details to come, but please put the August meeting on your calendars. Friday August 5th!

Now Accepting 2016 Torchbearer Awards Nominations
The Indiana Commission for Women is accepting nominations for the 2016 Torchbearer Awards recognizing women who have broken barriers to women's full participation and who have made significant contributions to their communities and to Indiana. Award nominations are due Friday, July 29, 2016.  For information about nominating someone, go to:

ANNOUNCEMENTS for our Endorsed Candidates

Volunteers Needed! Re-election Campaign for Julie Thomas for County Commissioner
Julie needs volunteers to walk in the parades in Ellettsville & Stinesville in September, canvass door-to-door beginning in September and canvass at the Farmer's Market. Volunteers will receive a beautiful campaign t-shirt – with a spine (while supplies last)!

Julie_Thomas_TShirt_Front-2.jpg Julie_Thomas_TShirt_Back-1.jpg
Send a note to Julie and let her know you are ready to help!

After focus shifts from the 4th of July Parade today, we'll have other requests from candidates for help in their campaigns. Watch this space!

     If you don't have a twitter account, you may want to get one!  FOUR women from Monroe County will be attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July (July 24 to 28). Cathi Crabtree was elected at the Democratic State Convention to attend the convention as a delegate for Hillary Clinton.  Martha Hilderbrand and Jeanne Smith were elected as delegates for Bernie Sanders. Former State Senator Vi Simpson was chosen to be a leader of the Indiana delegation.  They'll be tweeting and sending messages back about their experiences and we'll let you know their specifics as we gather them all.
     If you have an interest in supporting Jeanne Smith take a message of inclusion for transgender people to the Democratic National Convention, consider attending her gathering on Thursday, July 7th at the Back Door (7 pm) and contributing to help her defray expenses. The Vallures, food, dancing, fun and the best thing you can do as a Democrat in Monroe County this week!


July 7, 1 pm. Interim Study Committee on Redistricting to meet.
If you are interested in joining a group going to observe and perhaps make statements in favor of an independent committee making decisions on redistricting that will happen in a few years, please contact Kate Cruikshank of the League of Women Voters. Let's try to prevent the craziness that has our county divided into 5 legislative districts and some legislators representing portions of up to 5 different counties.   Kate's email is: [email protected]

July 7, DFMC hosts Moms Demand Action for Common Sense Gun Control
Bobby's Colorado Steakhouse. 6:00pm order dinner, 6:30pm program.
These smart and committed women visited the DWC last fall and informed us of their work and plans for more actions. They've been meeting with candidates and elected officials about their positions on gun control and should have a lot to report.

Nuns on the Bus come to Indiana
July 14, 7:00 pm, St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Terre Haute
     Next week NETWORK's Nuns on the Bus will be visiting Terre Haute on their journey to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. In an election year, it's crucial that the message to Mend the Gaps in income and wealth inequality in our nation be heard and heeded.
     Sister Simone Campbell and her colleagues have a goal to bring a politics of inclusion to divided places, change the conversation to mending the vast economic and social divides in our country, and counter political incivility with a message of inclusion. They will be in Terre Haute on Thursday, July 14, at 7:00 pm at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 215 North 7th Street. For the full schedule of events check their website:

Protest Against ALEC in Indianapolis
July 27, 2016, 3:30 PM
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been behind many bills passed in state legislatures across the country.  The bills range from Right to Work to Telecommunications to Stand Your Ground.  ALEC has also been a major supporter of the privatization of education.
     In 2013, Mike Pence was the keynote speaker at ALEC's yearly States and Nation Policy Summit.  Want to find out which Indiana legislators are members of ALEC?  Go to
     Are you interested in protesting ALEC's national convention, which is being held in Indianapolis next month?  There will be a rally at 3:30pm on the South Lawn of the State Capital on July 27th.  The Central Indiana AFL-CIO is organizing at least one bus to go to Indy to join this rally.  If there are enough people going from Bloomington, they'll try to add a second bus (courtesy of the Teamsters Union).  To learn more, join their Facebook group at ALEC Indianapolis 2016 Protest.

If you can possibly attend the Special Interim Redistricting Committee meeting on Thursday, July 7th at 1 pm, please contact Kate Cruikshank  [email protected]. She and another person will be driving up. You don't have to testify, just observe and be a presence in the room for a sane and impartial process for drawing legislative districts.

Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus