Monday Morning News Aug. 15, 2016



AUGUST 21, 1 pm -- A Sunday Brunch with Sheila Kennedy!  You will not want to miss this incredible event! Our annual fundraiser event celebrating Women's Equality Day will be held at 1 pm in the Fountain Square Mall Ballroom.  You should already have received your Facebook and/or Evite invitation.

Let us know asap if you have not already bought a ticket and want to come! Email [email protected]

Sheila Kennedy has probably the best political blog written in the ENTIRE State of Indiana! Sign up to get them in your mailbox daily!
You will not be sorry. Column for yesterday  

We'll have music, speeches, an action table, and more to help celebrate the passage of the 19th Amendment.

Silent Auction items include:
A wine and chocolate basket (specially gathered for this event!)
A home made fruit tart (ready for dinner!)
A collection of HIllary Swag - straight from the Democratic National Convention (donated by you-know-who!)**
A collection of hand crafted note cards
A chocolate cheesecake!!
An expungement of one's criminal conviction from court records. (Maybe not for you, but I bet you might know someone. who would need this gift!)
An art sculpture by Joe LaMantia
My Feminist Bookshelf
My First Feminist Bookshelf (for your daughters!)
Please think of an item YOU can donate!
This is such an easy and FUN way to support women! Email [email protected] with your items or ideas.
TICKETS are available from Steering Committee Members, or at our website:

Sponsorship levels are available to help support this effort.
Hillary Clinton Sponsor $500 (4 tickets to the brunch with VIP seating)
Elizabeth Warren Sponsor $250 (2 tickets to the brunch)
Vi Simpson Sponsor $100 (1 ticket to the event)
You can arrange monthly payments through Act Blue on our website or email Julie Thomas at [email protected]



Richland Bean Blossom Democrats
     There’s a new Democratic group in town! - The Monroe County Democratic Party is looking to ramp up its organizing efforts in Ellettsville and Stinesville and to establish a long-term presence in order to recruit, train, and elect candidates to local office and build political power in West Monroe for 2016 and beyond! See the save the date in the events section below!
     Check out (and like) the Facebook page at
For more information contact Judy Bolick at [email protected]

Leadership Bloomington/Monroe County calls for participants
     Leadership Bloomington-Monroe County applications are now available. Change the world right here at home. Offered in partnership by Indiana University and the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Bloomington-Monroe County prepares emerging leaders to address current and future community needs through a seven-month experiential learning program. In LBMC, participants learn leadership skills they can apply to their career and community involvement. LBMC session topics will include project management, ethics, conflict resolution, communications, and strategic partnerships, as well as spotlight community strengths and needs. Applications are due September 15 and class begins October 21. A limited number of scholarships are available for those who would otherwise not be able to participate.
For more information and an application, visit or call Kyla Cox Deckard at (812) 855-1182.

Vacancies on City of Bloomington Boards and Commissions
     Applications are now being accepted for vacancies on the following Bloomington Boards and Commissions:

Bloomington Commission on Sustainability
Commission on the Status of Black Males
Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs
Housing Quality Appeals Board
Telecommunication Commission
Bloomington Digital Underground Advisory Commission
Traffic Commission

Application review will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
      City Boards and Commissions are citizen staffed and operated, and serve to advise the Common Council and the Administration on issues affecting Bloomington. The current vacancies will be filled by appointment of the Common Council. A complete list and description of Boards and Commissions, in addition to application materials may be found at  Information and applications also are available at the City Clerk’s Office in Showers City Hall at 401 N. Morton.  For more information or questions, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 812-349-3408.  


The Monroe County Democrats' Club Luncheon
Tuesday, August 16, 2016, 11:30 am--Bobby's Colorado Steakhouse
The Monroe County Democrats Club will meet on Tuesday, August 16, at 11:30 a.m. at Bobby's Colorado Steakhouse. Professor Marjorie Hershey will speak about the upcoming elections. The public is invited to attend.

Reception to Support Indiana Senate Democrats
Wednesday, August 17, 5-7pm -- Upland Banquet Hall (350 W. 11th St)
Please join Vi Simpson, Mayor John Hamilton, and State Senator Mark Stoops for a reception to support the Indiana Senate Democrats.  The event will be help at the Upland Banquet Hall.  Suggested Contributions: $1,000, $500, $250, $100 ($50 for Young Democrats). Checks payable to Indiana Senate Democrats Committee. If you can't attend, please send contributions to: 115 W. Washington St. Suite 1165, Indianapolis, IN. 46204

Indiana Coalition for Public Education
Thursday, August 18, 6:30 - 8:30 Monroe County Public Library.
       For anyone interested in taking a close look at the myriad relationships, skills, struggles, and aspirations involved in the project of public education, this movie is essential viewing. The film will be followed by a short discussion that will give viewers a chance to air their responses to the film.  
More information at:

Save the Date!!
Richland Bean Blossom Democrats Labor Day Weekend Picnic
Sunday, Sept 4, 1-4pm
Flatwoods Park, Shelter 3

Hamilton Friends and Family Picnic
September 11th , 2016, 4-7pm   Bryan Park- North Shelter (Henderson St.)
     Please join Mayor John Hamilton and Dawn Johnsen in supporting Indiana Democratic candidates at the 2nd Annual Hamilton Friends and Family Picnic. Join them in giving a warm Bloomington welcome to John Gregg, Christina Hale, Shelli Yoder, Judge Arredondo, and all our local candidates! Everyone is welcome and admission is free.  Live music by the Vallures, food, friendship and some politics.  Bring a side dish or dessert to share if you wish, and a lawn chair or blanket.  This is a family-friendly event.

ACTION ITEM  -- Two Opportunities to make a difference locally....  My Sister's Closet.
Help My Sister’s Closet earn $500 for their organization! MSC was chosen by Hoosier’s to Hoosiers Sale steering committee to supply volunteers at the sale on Saturday August 20th.  MSC will need 30-50 hours of volunteer labor for them to be credited with $10 for each hour volunteers work.  What a great way to help, and see all the great items offered at this incredible sale.
Use this link:
    From H-t-H: “Only shifts marked with an asterisk are eligible for compensation, and this eligibility can change at any time. Once we have enough volunteers for a shift, we will sometimes remove the shift from the eligible list.  Make sure volunteers know to check the shift each time they visit the sign-up page.“  Make sure you note that you are representing My Sister’s Closet! contact Sandy Keller at [email protected]

My Sister’s Closet’s semi-annual Human Assembly Line Project.  8am-12pm, August 20th.  At My Sister’s Closet’s store at 414 S. College Ave.  25-30 people are needed at My Sister’s Closet to help change out their inventory. They’re asking that folks be able to lift bags of 20-30 pounds to form a human chain passing their bagged stock into storage and new stock into the store. Comradery, drinks and light snacks are provided. Park at the Convention Center, and while teens over 16 are quite welcome, please don’t bring small children.  [email protected]

One more thing....

Have you paid your DWC Dues for 2016?
The DWC is dedicated to inspiring, recruiting, training, supporting and funding women to increase the number of progressive, pro-choice women in the political arena. We ALL help with this mission, together, collectively. Make sure you have full rights and privileges of membership!
Only $20 for one year’s membership.  Join online here:

Do you have news items? Send your items of interest to us at [email protected]
Deadline for MMN is noon on Sunday.

Paid for by DWPAC - Democratic Women's Political Action Committee
Democratic Women's Caucus